Monday Briefing

First day of the week … last day of August. Where does the time go? This is Minnesota State Fair week here in the North. That means just about anything you might deep-fry is available for a few days. Here are a few things we have been watching as we consider our food options:

  • The 401(k) Lone Ranger got himself plenty of press last week as the “excessive fees” case came one step closer to settling. (Pension & Investments)  and (WSJ) And here’s the audio story from NPR.  (NPR)  I was surprised by how many people sent me links to this one. The case was filed in 2006. That’s 9 years of litigation-mode on this one.
  • The Cadillac tax continues to draw attention … as a factor in labor disputes (Pittsburgh Post Gazette)  … and as a secret threat (really?) to FSA plans. (CNBC)
  • We are guessing that the NLRB decision recognizing joint employment will have a slow-to-develop–but over time very big–impact on how we define the employment relationship. It’s interesting to see a development like this on the heels of a major legislative development (remember ACA) that relies heavily on a one employer-per-employee way of seeing the world.  (NLRB)

Bob Seng

With plenty of experience in private practice and as an Assistant General Counsel for Pay & Benefits in a Fortune 50 Company, Bob understands that employee benefits law isn’t for everyone. That’s why he takes pride in listening carefully and responding with clear answers and advice that can be followed by busy clients.

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