ERISA Insights keeps you up-to-date on the latest cases, regulations, and trends in ERISA litigation and compliance. Our authors cover all the cutting-edge ERISA stories, keeping a pulse on case law, regulatory, and legislative developments in the areas of employee benefits and ERISA.
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Dorsey Blogs
Managing Editor

Andrew represents clients in a wide range of complex civil matters.

Nick is a trial partner in Dorsey’s office in Minneapolis. ...

Chair of the Benefits and Compensation practice group, Tim devot...

Shannon provides advice and litigation assistance to companies...

Tim Goodman works with employers on medical plans, retirement pl...

Alan is a litigator in Dorsey’s trial group with a focus on cli...

Steve represents businesses, employers, insurers, and fiduciarie...

Marianne works regularly with numerous non-U.S. companies and t...

Kirsten helps clients large and small navigate all aspects of com...

Employee Benefits, Minneapolis